News Feb 7, 2024

Inspire Education Group Unveil Memory Garden at Peterborough College

Inspire Education Group (IEG) are proud to officially open a Memory Garden at the Peterborough College campus. The official opening of the Memory Garden was held on 6th November, with Rachel Nicholls, CEO of IEG, performing the honours of cutting the ribbon.

Stephanie Pedlar, the Multi-Faith Chaplain at IEG, expressed her strong desire for a Memory Garden, highlighting its importance in helping people cope with the pain of bereavement. She said, “My passion is to help people with the pain of bereavement. This is vital to helping people whatever age in beginning to find a new normal, a new sense of peace and be able to make sense of life. We have lost staff and students over the years and we as individuals have lost our own family and friends”.

Steph’s dream of creating a Memory Garden became a reality with the support of her friend and volunteer chaplain, Neat, who generously donated the funds required. With significant effort from Neat, Steph, and Dan Cooper, as well as contributions from Style Roses for the climbing roses, the garden was prepared for its opening.

My passion is to help people with the pain of bereavement. 
This is vital to helping people whatever age in beginning to 
find a new normal.

—   Stephanie Pedlar

Steph extended an open invitation to everyone, emphasising that the garden would serve as a peaceful space for both staff and students to find comfort. She encouraged everyone to visit and enjoy the garden, saying, “May you find peace and strength as you spend time in the garden and know that even amidst the busyness of each day, there is strength and peace, a place to recharge and simply be, even if only for a few moments.”

Peterborough College and Inspire Education Group are committed to providing a nurturing and compassionate environment for their staff and students, and the Memory Garden is a testament to this commitment.

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