Sustainability Focus Areas

Focus Areas


Reducing Emissions

  • Target: 2% carbon reduction year on year
  • Replace company car fleet with electric alternatives
  • Power saving features for auto turn off desktop PCs to be applied via Group Policy
  • Replace classroom desktop PCs with Chromebooks
  • Investigate/install electric charging points for cars
  • Promote Cycle to Work Scheme
  • Investigate Salary Sacrifice Scheme for electric vehicles
  • Investigate agile working options with a view to formalising ‘work from home’ arrangements
  • Consider Ascentis L1/2 Award in Environmental Sustainability for L1 Media students
  • Set up a Green Newsfeed on IEG Insights (staff intranet)
  • Embed sustainability within the Tutorial programme e.g. Carbon Literacy Certificate
  • Develop additional sustainability modules/courses for the 2022/23 Curriculum Plan
  • Work with Student Union Environmental Officers to drive awareness raising and sustainability actions
  • Set up an Environmental Suggestion Box and report ideas to the Student Councils for action
  • Promote sustainable food options – meat free days
  • Create an environmental page on the Student Hub to share information and raise awareness
  • Internal audit schedule to include an audit of environmental reporting within IEG


Improving Our Natural Environment

  • Tree planting on both campuses to offset paper use
  • Engage with environmental groups such as Woodland Trust to encourage biodiversity through planting
  • Create an end-of-year Green Festival to include short film, art exhibition, rewilding workshops, tree planting
  • Continue paper and cardboard recycling policies alongside toners, containers and consumables
  • IT waste – broken keyboards, mice, power cords etc. to be recycled wherever possible to reduce landfill
  • Wild flower planting on green areas where there is little/no footfall – banks etc.
  • Install bug houses made by students
  • Install bat boxes (identify best locations)
  • Make and install wind chimes to scare pigeons away from the estate
  • Terracycle (crisp packet recycling project) to be undertaken by Pathways students
  • Review Ascentis L1 Award in Preventing Plastic Pollution for L1 Media students


Reduce The Consumption of Resources

  • More sustainable purchasing and working with local companies who support our environmental value
  • Liaise with UCP campus and Art Technicians to reduce consumables, e.g. within Photography
  • Source options for reusable/ recyclable catering packing
  • Implement Papercut across Peterborough and UCP campuses to raise awareness of paper consumption and consumable costs, and reduce photocopying
  • All end-of-life hardware to be recycled in line with the appropriate WEEE directive, enabling recyclable materials to be broken down into component parts
  • Replace LTO plastic cartridge tapes and ribbons for backing up data with digital cloud solution
  • Implement full hardware and peripheral recycling – returning all equipment, bags and additional peripherals to IT for re-distribution
  • Reduce the amount of paper used within HR
  • Install timing mechanisms for standalone heaters (e.g. IAG pods, Melbourne Road seating area)
  • Pilot the Eco Schools ‘Green Flag’ initiative
  • Replace plastic bottles with water jugs at all college meetings and events
  • Reduce sale of plastic bottles in Refectory, Bistro and vending machines; promote cans, water fountains
  • Recycle old furniture/give to charities
  • Use coffee grinds for garden areas or give away
  • Promote free sustainable period products for students
  • Consider paper/plastics recycling bins for classrooms
  • Avoid use of embroidered names on Student uniforms and set up a ‘new to you’ shop to recycle uniforms from one year group to another
  • Install clothes swap rail in Bistro
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